Media query max-width and min-width

I wanted to write a quick blog post explaining in plain English what max-width and min-width mean when setting up media queries in your CSS, so here we go first with an example of media query code in your CSS.

Code examples of min-width and max-width

@media (min-width: 480px) { /*add your css in here*/ }

@media (max-width: 1280px) { /*add your css in here*/ }

Using the code example above, “min-width: 480px”, means that when your web browser’s viewport width is equal to or more than 480px, then the web browser will apply the CSS in the brackets that follow.

Again, using the code example above, “max-width: 1280px”, means that when your web browser’s viewport width is equal to or lesser than 1280px, then the web browser will apply the CSS in the brackets that follow.





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