Handling loss

Back in April I did something I don’t normally do, I opened up on my personal Facebook account where I talked about how I was feeling. My mom passed away a few years ago and my dad passed away earlier this year due to covid, I am now in this world without the two people who brought me into this world and it feels weird, there is this empty feeling inside me, like a piece of me is missing.

I had wrote this over the course of February and March but only got the courage in April to post it. I thought I would share it publicly, as maybe it will help others somehow who are feeling the same.

I Miss You

The two people who gave you life,
Who brought you into this world,
Are no longer in this world,
There's this empty feeling,
Something missing inside,
Nothing will replace it.

You're keeping on,
Trying to stay strong,
Remembering the good old days,
Those memories that make you smile or make you burst out in random laughter that have others ask if you're ok,
The memories only you and your brother know of,
The car wipers story,
Dad driving off while you were changing seats with your brother,
The family time car drives,
The Blockbuster video rental weekends with chips and dip,
Street hockey at a nearby park and hitting dad in the not-so-good spot as he tried to play goalie.

But also remembering the bad,
Knowing mom had demons she fought, but she always, always made sure we were fed, clothed and that we were good,
You take the lessons they taught you,
You learn from your mistakes and their mistakes,
You vowe to yourself to never do what scarred you deep so long ago,
You do the best you can,
Hopefully they're looking down at you, pleased and proud,
The love they gave you, you hope you can give the same to others.

You keep keeping on,
Doing good as much as you can,
Knowing you will mess up, we all do,
But don't beat yourself up, learn from it, do better,
Do everything in love,
Hopefully making this a better world in the end.

If you read the whole piece, thank you.






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