Tag: HTML5

  • Sharing resources with you: HTML5 input types, Picular and cheatsheets

    This will be a quick/short blog post with a few links to an article and helpful resources for developers. HTML5 Input Types: Where Are They Now? – Blog post from SmashingMagazine.com, that talks about HTML5 form input types and shows their support in various web browsers Picular – A free service to see many color…

  • Sharing resources including social media tips, a HTML5 template and more

    Here’s a few articles/resources I found online recently that I wanted to share with others. How To Learn Social Media Marketing Like A Boss (blog.markgrowth.com) Google’s Building an Ad Blocker into Chrome – A Big Step Towards Regulating Online Ad Content (socialmediatoday.com) 15 Free Tools to Help Track and Improve SEO Performance [Infographic] (socialmediatoday.com) A…

  • Cool HTML5 tips for form inputs

    I wanted to share these cool quick tips that HTML5 provides to basic HTML web forms that will save you time and work in the end. Remember though, these tips only work in web browsers that support HTML5. Placeholder attributeYou can now easily have “placeholder” text display inside a text field, whereas before you had…